Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia,简称 TITAS ) 是一科另類歷史。大家曾在中學時期學習的歷史课里一一叙述每個國家或地域的歷史過程、從落後到繁榮的过程。它是涉及年份、地點、歷史人物以及流程
或许很多人误以爲伊斯蘭和亚洲文明会教導伊斯蘭教義。这間接令大家觉得教育部應该鼓勵大學生修读佛教经典、基督教、興都教等。其實,這科目根本不教導修读者如何念诵可蘭经,不教導如何崇拜真主阿拉,也没有教導如何書写爪夷文(Jawi characters)。该科目只是教導学生们認識伊斯蘭文明和其他上述文明内崛起、興盛以及其盛行的文化特征。另外,伊斯蘭文明被列入该科目的课程纲要是因爲它的文明崛起和发展是從伊斯蘭宗教廣泛流通後所促成,並以民族文化为主軸的其他民族文明不同。所以请所有非穆斯林不需要擔心,也请勿搞错。。。
好了,本人换英语繼續講。。。I want to clarify some academic matter. In this
issue, I spotted some people commented that learning history of Islamic civilisation
is a ‘backward’ thing. Erm… I totally disagree with that opinion. Actually,
there are many benefits when you learn the history of Islam or Islamic civilization.
Firstly, by knowing what are the origin and the fundamental principles of how Islam
works, we can avoid ourselves from being suffered from Islamophobia which being
advocated by Zionist. After the tragedy of September 11, 2001, many Westerners
had their own negative perception toward Islamic society due to the ignorance
toward Islam. This situation was catalysed more by Zionist-sponsored prime
media. This has created Islamophobia which emphasized the exaggerated nonsense
against what related with Islam and Muslim society. So, by knowing what is the
true Islamic principle, we can explain the fact to ourselves and reject the nonsense tale
among those who has being influenced by Islamophobia.
Secondly, by knowing
the Islamic civilisation, v can get know that once upon a time Islamic
civilisation produced a lot of scholar who had contributed to science n
technology. For example, Al-khawarizmi introduced algebra which we apply daily
in every sector; Ibnu Sina discovered a lot of new medical facts which has
being documented in his masterpieces which were used later in Europe for few
centuries long. This ancient achievement may be an inspiration for us to make
ourselves excellent in the future. We can also acknowledge what the Islamic
scholar has contributed and try to preserve these long-lasting works to our
future generations.
Last but not the least,
by learning Islamic civilisation, we can also cultivate our positive perspective
toward multicultural world, and also to clarify some negative perception about Islamic
practice. However these benefits will work only if you learn that subject by
heart and soul, not by prejudice view. I think the Islamic civilisation should be
made as optional subject because not all student are interest in these
history-based subject, and these knowledge may also irrelevant to those who are
not involving in social science and literature-based careers. Kindly do not compel all students to take subjects which are not favoured by them. Let education be education, not becoming indoctrination.
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