Examples of the nonsense spelling in English (Aeksampels of de nonsens spaeling in Inglish):
  1. All- Ol
  2. Although- Othou
  3. Awesome- Osem
  4. Cease- Sis
  5. Choir- Kuair
  6. Circle- Serkel
  7. Come- Kam
  8. Courage- Karaej/Karaech
  9. Cow- Kau
  10. Enough- Inaf
  11. Environment- Aenvairement
  12. Guess- Gaes
  13. Guest- Gaest
  14. Hour- Aur/Auwer
  15. House- Haus
  16. Ice- Ais
  17. Island- Ailend
  18. Journey- Jerni
  19. Knife- Naif
  20. Launch- Lonj/Lonch
  21. Mouse- Maus
  22. Owl- Aul
  23. Pour- Po
  24. Queen- Kuin
  25. Queue- Kiu
  26. Rice- Rais
  27. Rough- Raf
  28. She- Shü
  29. Sign- Sain
  30. Sincere- Sinsier
  31. Through- Thru
  32. Ugly- Agli
Originally written on 6/8/2014
Updated and reposted on 20/9/2017, 5.49pm


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